Lasers to the rescue!
How can we rescue failing implants with the LAPIP™ Protocol?
Dental implants are transforming how practices like Beachside Smiles replace and rebuild teeth. While dental implants have set the standard for tooth replacement, only some treatments are 100% successful, and there is a possibility for failure, too. Fortunately, our Manhattan Beach, California team has the expertise and technologies to “save” replacement teeth threatened by implant failures. We achieve this using lasers and a technique known as the ‘LAPIP™ Protocol.’
What is “LAPIP™”?
LAPIP™ stands for Laser Assisted Peri-Implantitis Procedure. Peri-implantitis or peri-implant diseases are complications of dental implants. By using special protocols with laser technology, we can effectively treat this complication that can threaten the structural integrity of the implant and its attached prosthetic tooth.
What is peri-implantitis?
Most commonly, this condition is compared to gum disease. Only with peri-implant diseases does the inflammation affect the area around the implant. Similarly, it progresses over time. Peri-implantitis is the more severe form of the disease. It involves the soft tissue and the bone supporting the implant. Peri-implant mucositis is a less severe form of the disease. The inflammation is limited to the soft tissues around the implant. Because it is a precursor to peri-implantitis, it is important to resolve peri-implant mucositis promptly to halt the disease and prevent future bone and tissue loss.
What can I expect from LAPIP™ treatment?
First, we must determine the exact areas that require treatment. Subsequently, we can use the laser to target these areas. The energy that is associated with the laser beam kills the bacteria that are responsible for the disease. It also removes the diseased tissues. Any contaminants related to the implant are also eliminated from the affected soft tissues. Harmful surface accumulations and deteriorated bone will also be treated during your procedure. Moreover, the laser creates a blood clot containing stem cells, aiding healing and regrowth. According to the creators of LAPIP™, the treatment boasts a 95% success rate in reintegrating failing implants and promoting bone regrowth.
How do I know if LAPIP™ at Beachside Smiles is right for me?
We truly partner with our patients across the Manhattan Beach, CA area. Ideally, we closely monitor the condition of the implants and their attached teeth during follow-up visits and at ongoing hygiene appointments and check-ups. The symptoms of peri-implant disease resemble periodontal disease, and they include tissues that look overly red and inflamed at the implant site, swelling, sensitivity, bleeding, and even discharge or pus. We can save your new teeth with well-tolerated treatment, preserve healthy tissue, and precisely target disease-causing germs and damaged tissues.
If you are concerned about an implant or have any other questions, we welcome them! Call us today at (310) 643-6004.