Sunny outlook ahead for patients with gum disease:
FAQs about laser therapy

Technology is a defining characteristic of Beachside Smiles. Advanced tools support our talented team in Manhattan Beach, California. We can better provide care that is gentle, convenient, efficient, and gets the outcomes you expect and deserve. Lasers perfectly fit the many other technologies and cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic systems available at our practice. They provide a powerful yet “light-touch” way to restore the health and appearance of gums that are threatened due to disease.

Why would I be a candidate for laser therapy?

The aim of laser-assisted therapy at all stages of disease is bacterial reduction. After all, harmful bacteria are to blame for this progressive and potentially destructive condition. The effects can be reversed when addressed early enough in the disease process. Without prompt treatment, the tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth may become irreversibly damaged. These tissues must be removed, and the gums and bone must also be regenerated. Lasers can be used for all of these functions and to resolve gum disease in its many forms and stages.

How do you use the laser to reduce bacteria?

The laser energy can be precisely directed towards the damaged gums. As gum disease progresses, spaces or pockets occur between the gums and the teeth. These periodontal pockets tend to harbor more bacteria and disease-causing substances. This process can also make your smile look “toothy,” as more of the white crowns of each tooth are exposed when the gums pull away or recede from the teeth. When in the hands of our highly-trained professionals, the laser targets the damaging periodontal pockets. It kills the bacteria within these spaces that are responsible for disease. This process helps to eliminate the underlying cause of periodontal disease, which promotes proper healing and new tissue attachment.

What should I expect from treatment?

Generally, we must first determine the severity or extent of gum disease that may be present. We use special dental instruments to measure the depth of the pockets that form as the disease progresses. As these pockets grow larger without treatment, the measurements can indicate the stage of the disease. A tiny laser fiber is introduced to kill the bacteria within these pockets. Although the process is well-tolerated, we can discuss anesthetic and other options to ensure comfort and relaxation during the procedure. The laser is passed over the targeted tissues to kill bacteria, remove the infection, and promote tissue regeneration.

What should I expect after treatment?

Here again, the process post-procedure is very well tolerated by most patients due to the conservative nature of laser-assisted periodontal therapies. Only disease areas are treated because the laser can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy tissues. Healthy sites are avoided and remain intact. Little recovery is needed due to the non-invasive nature of the treatment. Lasers for bacterial reduction and gum disease treatment generally minimize bleeding, sensitivity, discomfort, and swelling and preserve the tissues that need to be preserved while restoring and regenerating tissues that have been lost or damaged due to advanced periodontitis.

Now, there may be some instances when laser therapy must be complemented by conventional surgical techniques to treat severe disease and restore the gums and bone once and for all.

Individuals and their families from across the Manhattan Beach, CA, area benefit from our many safe and predictable treatment options. Call (310) 643-6004 with more questions and to schedule your appointment. 

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