When you are ready to transform your smile with porcelain veneers, the best thing you can do to prepare is brush up with a little Veneers 101. Learn everything you can about the procedure and the composition of this stunning cosmetic dentistry treatment. At Beachside Smiles in Manhattan Beach, CA, we believe in the power of information, so our patients feel confident about their smile makeovers.

Problems Corrected by Veneers

confident about their smile makeovers at Beachside Smiles in Manhattan Beach, CA

Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile cosmetic dentistry procedures available. Even if you have multiple aesthetic complaints about your smile, veneers can correct them all. Instead of undergoing multiple procedures to correct multiple problems, you can opt for customized porcelain shields that conceal everything all at the same time, including complaints like:

  • Stains and discoloration
  • Oddly shaped teeth
  • Gaps
  • Misalignment
  • Crooked teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Damaged teeth

Remember, of course, the top tenet of Veneers 101 – this treatment is a cosmetic one. Some patients may need restorative dentistry procedures first to correct oral health problems, but those treatments can then be followed by the right cosmetic smile upgrades, like veneers.

How the Veneers Procedure Works

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for any patient interested in porcelain veneers. This procedure is highly customized so every piece of porcelain complements your other teeth, your mouth, your face shape, and more. Typically, getting veneers takes two visits to your Manhattan Beach cosmetic dentist. Here is how the treatment works:

  • Consultation: Meet with your dentist to find out if you’re a good candidate for veneers. Undergo a dental exam to confirm good oral health, have digital images taken, and confirm that you have a solid foundation on which to build a new smile.
  • Design: Crafting porcelain veneers is a work of art, and every feature must be discussed between patient and dentist. Make it clear what you dislike about your current smile and what you want your new teeth to look like. Together, you will determine the best color, shape, size, and length of your customized veneers.
  • Creation: The parameters for your veneers are sent to the dental lab and created off-site in about two weeks, unless you visit a Manhattan Beach dentist who offers same-day veneers using the innovative CEREC machine, in which case your veneers could be made in a day.
  • Preparation: Teeth must be lightly prepped to make room for the veneers to sit atop your natural tooth enamel. This may involve a cleaning, light sanding, or the removal of some tooth structure.
  • Bonding: When the veneers are ready, they are checked carefully in your smile for a perfect before they are permanently bonded to your teeth and cured in place. With proper care, your smile makeover can last a lifetime.

How Patients Benefit from Porcelain Veneers

A clear component of Veneers 101 is just how many benefits this cosmetic dentistry procedure delivers to patients. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, recipients of carefully personalized and well-done veneers benefit immediately from this change to their smile. When you invest in this kind of smile makeover, you can experience the following perks:

  • Look younger
  • Look happier
  • Look smarter
  • Appear more capable
  • Eat easily
  • Get a self-esteem boost

Learn More about Veneers 101 in Manhattan Beach

Whatever questions you have about porcelain veneers or any cosmetic dentistry treatments, rely on the team at Beachside Smiles to provide answers. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Don Mungcal or another member of his office and learn about the most transformative cosmetic dentistry procedure available. Find out if veneers are right for you.

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